Parents Association

Board Members 2023-2024

Casey Jordan, President –
Kate Gilmore, Vice President
Brooke Sellers, Secretary
Ashley Matthews, Treasurer

Our goal for the PA is to enhance the SCCS experience for everyone involved in our school – administration, teachers, parents, and students. We are sincerely desiring your thoughts, suggestions, and feedback at any time. We welcome your involvement in any aspect of our community – classroom assistance, community outreach, and school events to name a few!

Parent Association Calendar

Moms in Prayer (MIP)
What is Moms in Prayer?

Allows moms to gather for one hour each week to pray for their children, teachers, and school – no refreshments, no homework, no dressing up, no experience required – just come as you are and pray. And whether you pray silently or out loud, God hears!
Every child needs a praying mom!

If you are interested in praying with MIP but have children still at home with you, please contact us ASAP! In the past, there has always been a separate group for these moms who want to be able to pray with their little ones. How great it would be to have enough interest for a preschool group again this year!